On 24 November 2016, the OECD published its multilateral instrument on BEPS (MLI) together with an explanatory statement. In the following beinformed we provide a short overview highlighting the points we consider to be of particular interest for the investment management industry.
Repayments from the contribution account for tax purposes (sec. 7 of the German Corporate Tax Act) can be received tax-neutral at the investor's level if the requirements of sec. 27 of the German Corporate Tax Act are met. This provision does not include any rules for repayments from companies established in non-EU countries. The German Supreme Tax Court now confirms the view of the Finance Court of Nürnberg that repayments of capital from companies established in non-EU countries can be recognized as a tax neutral transaction if the respective national law qualifies those payments as repayments of previously contributed capital.
Under German investment law, it is possible to set up a contractual fund vehicle under the co-ownership principle. The Fiscal Court of Cologne held that the contribution of real estate by a single investor in such a fund vehicle does not trigger real estate transfer taxes if such fund is set up under the co-ownership principle. However, fiscal authorities have appealed and the Federal Tax Court, Germany´s highest tax court, will now have to decide.